Sunday, September 28, 2008

What a week!

After a long week of busy-ness, I attended my HS reunion last night. It was a lot of fun--very informal and it was a great way to spend the evening. It's SOOOO hard to believe that we've been out for 20 years!?! Is that possible?? Guess so--Class of 1988! Mexia High School. WOW... And one guy has just RETIRED after 20 years of Naval Service. RETIRED!!!! So hard to believe. He's about to start a new career doing something else because he's too young to just sit at home, but it is so hard enough to realize we have been out for 20 years and then to say that one of us has been at something long enough in that period of time to retire?! That's amazing.

We probably had about 30-40 or so in attendance and that included a few spouses and guests, so it was easy to make the rounds talking with people and catching up. We played "I never" with Hershey's kisses. That was fun! We played about 3-4 rounds and I think it was Daphne who ended up with the most when it was done, with like 42 or something and we each started with 18! Quite a funny game. It was really great to catch up with everyone and see what they've been up to. We had MANY that didn't make it. Either living too far away or just not showing for whatever reason, including some who still live right there in Mexia. Oh, well. I'm sure they have their reasons and maybe they'll be at the next one. Guess time will tell. At any rate, I hope they are doing well!

At least now things will slow down a little bit this week. I still have several things scheduled this week, but overall, it should be a little more restful than this past week. And at this moment in time, a little rest sounds kind of nice. LOL

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