Sunday, April 12, 2009

Where has the time gone?

So apparently--my thinking in January was way off--thinking I'd get on and post more blogs. Well, my intentions were good, it's just been a busy first quarter of 2009! But, things are going well, I'm extremely happy and looking forward to the future. Lots of changes in my life in the last few months and many more to come, but thankfully, GOD is in control! It's going to be a sweet ride. I'm so blessed to have a loving and caring family including my church family. I don't know how I'd get along without any of them.'s Easter weekend, with today being Resurrection Sunday, Praise the Lord, HE IS RISEN!!! What a glorious thing! I am sure that with all of the storms today that a lot of the sunrise services got off to a very wet start and lots of Easter egg hunts had to be modified as well as family picnics and what not, but, what a beautiful day it turned out to be.

I hope you have had time today to think about the huge sacrifice that was given for humbling because I know I am not worthy, but I am so grateful! Thank you Jesus!

I hope you have had a blessed day and that I hope that you have a great week.