Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Tomorrow is new year's eve. That means 2009 is drawing to an end. Where has all the time gone? It certainly has been a quick year in lots of ways. Although the first few months seemed to drag on waiting on the house to sell, things from that point picked up. The house sold in March, I moved, the divorce was final in June, I promoted in June, have been on the road many weeks of the last 6 months due to the promotion, Jordan moved in August to Dallas, Joey moved in during November, I bought another car, Thanksgiving, Christmas and viola, year's end. WOW!!! So hard to believe. I've made lots of new friends in the last year. I've learned a lot about myself during the past couple of years and especially in the last year. I've learned more about my life, the way I live and the person that I desire myself to be.

I'm so grateful to God for the many blessings that He bestows upon me, each and every day. Certainly more than I deserve and just as many that I don't even realize. I truly want to live each day to the fullest and I want to be the best person that I can be.

When I think about the person that I am, I think that I'm pretty genuine. I try to always be honest and not give off any false appearances. I love doing things for other people. I'd much rather do the most complex thing for another person that to do the simplest of things for myself. That's just who I am. Most people who know me well, I think, would say that I tend to neglect myself by doing for others. I'm constantly being reminded to slow down, take time for me and do something for myself, not just always focusing on others. I try to do that too-something for me on occasion at least, but I truly am at my peak of happiness when I'm doing for others. I love being involved in my church and I miss it when my job takes me on the road. I love, love, love being a part of the leadership with the youth group and am so blessed to be able to do that. They make me so happy and keep me going. I try to be a leader and a friend and most of the time, it works. I try to teach them all to be responsible for their actions and to fess up when they screw up. That's not always easy, but it's about doing what's right.

So, as this year draws to a close, I hope to do more of the things that make me happy in the upcoming year, which is doing for others. I also plan to take some time for me and I have a few things in mind for myself in 2010 too. More on that later.

I hope that you will take a minute and reflect on the past year and see what milestones you've turned and how you've been blessed throughout the year.

Friday, December 25, 2009


I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted, again! I said I wasn't going to go that long, but time flies when you are having fun. It's been quite a year. Lots of changes and all for the good. I had a great Christmas and am so very blessed with family and friends. God is never failing and always amazing!

This year has had many changes, as I've said. I moved, divorce was final, I took a promotion, Jordan moved to Dallas and I have a college student now living with me. As I look around and think back over the year, I see God's hand at work in many things. All for the good, I might add. I'm a stronger person than I was this time a year ago, more involved in church and in life in general and have goals and plans in life. I expect this upcoming year to continue to be more of blessing as I live for God and see what He has in store for me. I want to live for Him, in His will and to be a light in the world.

As I've said to a couple of the youth lately, sometimes people are placed in our lives for only a season and sometimes the season changes quickly, sometimes it seems to never end and they remain in our lives forever. No matter what, I think we learn things from each of those people and seasons, not only about others but more about ourselves. I know that I have made some great new friends this past year. Some that I am closer to than others and we are friends each in different ways. I think it is interesting that I am who I am and I don't try to put on a facade for anyone and try to be me all the time. (what you see is what you get!) I try to always be real and not fake in any way. It's amazing when you have friends who actually tell you that they see that in you, especially when it is someone you haven't known that long and they tell you that the more they get to know you the more they see that. It's quite flattering when they tell you that they admire you and wish they could be more like you. I can't say that I've ever felt like anyone has felt that way about me. It's a bit humbling in that I am realizing that while I do not live life to the full potential that God intends for me and I falter in many ways, I am at least a bit of a light in the darkness of the world and to come across as a real (genuine) person and just put myself out there with honesty.

I have some goals for the future, one of which is to continue to be a genuine person--and in doing so, share the things that God teaches me thru my life and actions. I want to draw closer to God this year, each and every day! I want to make it a point to find something each day that is delivered by God, whether it's a beautiful sky, an opportunity to do something I've never done before, share something with someone that God has done for me, or just be more thankful for the little things such as an upfront parking space...all things are gifts from God and we just have to open our eyes! I think sometimes we walk around with our eyes half closed and don't realize all the little gifts. We tend to not always notice even the large ones! What about you? Will you open your eyes this year?

Well, until next time...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Where has the time gone?

So apparently--my thinking in January was way off--thinking I'd get on and post more blogs. Well, my intentions were good, it's just been a busy first quarter of 2009! But, things are going well, I'm extremely happy and looking forward to the future. Lots of changes in my life in the last few months and many more to come, but thankfully, GOD is in control! It's going to be a sweet ride. I'm so blessed to have a loving and caring family including my church family. I don't know how I'd get along without any of them.'s Easter weekend, with today being Resurrection Sunday, Praise the Lord, HE IS RISEN!!! What a glorious thing! I am sure that with all of the storms today that a lot of the sunrise services got off to a very wet start and lots of Easter egg hunts had to be modified as well as family picnics and what not, but, what a beautiful day it turned out to be.

I hope you have had time today to think about the huge sacrifice that was given for humbling because I know I am not worthy, but I am so grateful! Thank you Jesus!

I hope you have had a blessed day and that I hope that you have a great week.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Why is it that prayer and the name of God and/or Jesus come under such scrutiny for this year's inauguration? Wasn't this country founded on Christian principles and morals? Doesn't all of our money say, "In God We Trust"? I realize that silly people have tried to have that changed, and weren't successful, but I was just astounded the other day when I heard that some atheist in California had filed an appeal to have prayer removed from the swearing in of our new President when he takes his oath of office this week. Really? What??? I just don't get it. I also don't understand how people can say they are atheist. I mean, take a look around. Can a person seriously think that everything just appeared? That we evolved from fish or monkeys or whatever?? And what about the miracle of children? The beautiful clouds in the sky, the birds that sing, whatever it is that keeps the oceans from flooding the lands...all miracles of God. God's creation. Each of us is a creation of His, just as each and everything in and on this earth is as well as the earth and all things surrounding it as well! How can people not get that? I just don't understand. But if you want to say you don't believe, then that's your right, I suppose, we do have freedom of religion, (and speech) so therefore, let us continue to freely exercise our right as CHRISTIANS to be free from the atheist ways trying to tell us that we can't pray, that we can't use the name of God or Jesus in a public speech. We don't like what you say but we can't stop you, so why do you think you should be able to stop our prayers and to our sharing the Gospel??

Praise the Lord that a judge overruled that filing from that atheist to have the prayer removed. I can't imagine what things would be like if that had been allowed. I don't mean just for the inauguration, but for America in general. We need to stand up for our rights, our freedom, for our beliefs. God is REAL, He is Mighty!!

Pray for our country and those who haven't come around. Pray for our leaders, our safety. May God continue to bless us and the USA!

Honest Scrap

So, my friend, Kerri Pearson tagged me in this game called Honest Scrap. You have to tell 10 radom truthful things about yourself and then tag 7 more people do to it too. I'll have to tag most of mine in email since I have only 3 people that I know who blog, and Kerri is one of them! So here goes:

1. I love to cook! Cooking is a great pasttime and has a wonderful reward. Food Network is my favorite channel and I would love to meet Paula Deen and Rachel Ray!

2. I have always wanted to be a teacher. Probably teaching at church and hopefully one day being a trainer for my job is as close as I'll get to classroom training, but Junior English has always been my dream!

3. I had the most awesome job in high school working in an accounting office. Learned a lot about finance, business and life.

4. I have only traveled out of Texas 3 times in my life and have only flown once, although I'd do it again any time.

5. I have always wanted to go to New York at Thanksiving and although I'm NOT a fan of being cold, would love to spend Thanksgiving morning at the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade!

6. In addition to cooking, I love to eat! And I mean just about anything, although not a fan of beef, but pretty much anything else!

7. I don't drink coffee, but I'm addicted to Dr. Pepper. My mother says I was addicted before I was born! LOL

8. I love to be happy and smile. I don't like being grump and I don't like not smiling. I think there is a lack of joy and smiles in the world today and I'm always astonished at the number of people -- who know me well or hardly at all -- notice that I try to always smile and am most of the time genuinely happy.

9. I have no biological brothers or sisters, but I have a sister at heart that means the world to me and 'my person' is as close to a 2nd sister as I could get and I'm very blessed to have them as well as my other great friends. God has Blessed me with an abundance of true friends.

10. I miss all of my grandparents tremendously and I attribute my love for cooking and sewing to both of my grandmothers. I have many fond memories of cooking and sewing with them as well as attending church and what a great influence they have been on my life and I hope to inspire my family and friends and everyone, really, the way they inspired me.

Email Buddies...look out, I"m about to tag you...and I also tag my blog friends, Connie and Meghan.