Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Looking for God?

Where do you look for God, or do you? I try to look for things throughout the day that remind me of God, things to give me encouragement, reminders and inspiration. Last week I was driving to work, listening to KLOVE. That's my favorite station! Anyway, one of my favorite praise and worship songs, "Shout to the Lord" came on. I know you are probably thinking that's been around way too long. Well, maybe so, but like the old Hymns, it's a classic. I love the part where it says the 'mountains will bow down and the seas will roar, at the sound of your name'. So many times we just sing the songs, not thinking about the words. Take a minute, think about those words, would you? Mountains bowing down? Seas roaring? All at the sound of God's name?? WOW!! You probably just in general terms think about mountains being stationary, non movable, but they will bow down! Seas--yeah, they get rough, spill out onto the land, but roar? Not just the typical splashing and listening to the "roar" through a konk shell, we're talking about something major here! God is so Big and we should not forget that. One of the things I found that morning as I was praising God in singing that song on my way to work was in the clouds. It was Tuesday morning. My friend and inspiration, Bob Gentry, had given up his fight with cancer the day before and went to be with the Lord. I was thinking about him and his battle of this horrible disease and how amazing he has been during this time to stay positive, focused and determined not to let it get him down. Always encouraging and more concerned with others than with himself. Still trying to make committee meetings and speak and write and visit with people when ever the chance arose. Everyone who knew him was so blessed, I know I have been. I was thinking about his dear, sweet wife Fran, who is much like Bob--quite an inspiration and always there for others. They are such delightful people and she's been at his side this entire battle. How devastated she must be feeling, a bit lost, wondering what the future will bring. How things will be different now that she will be living alone. I'm thinking about all of these things, singing this song--mountains bowing, seas roaring and looking into the sky that is a bit overcast with beautiful clouds and a wonderful glimpse of a small rainbow. It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen! It made me realize that God gives us promises and He never breaks them! (unlike people) and He is always there, always at our side and he knows what we're thinking, what we're feeling and what we will experience, even before we do! He knew us before we were born and He knows us so intimately that he knows the number of hairs on our head! How amazing is that? Yes, our God is BIG and Mighty! MY God is Big and Mighty. So, next time you are feeling a little down, sing songs of praise and look around. God is there. He is everywhere. Just open your eyes and see him. Open your heart to feel Him and open your ears to hear Him. He cares for you and He loves you.

I'm sure I've rambled a bit here but the point is, God is all around. His beauty is all around us and even in the overcast sky, you can be reminded of his promises and of His unfailing and undying love. Praise the Lord in all that you say and in all that you do!

1 comment:

KerrisKorner said...

Amen! Preach on sister! I love it!