Sunday, November 2, 2008

Food, Food and MORE food!?!

I am stuffed! What a weekend! It all started with 5th quarter Friday dogs, candy, pop corn balls, cotton candy, sodas, more candy, and raw pumpkin if you dared! (from the carving contest of course!) All was great. Then Saturday, breakfast with friends as we began to plan for the retreat, brisket from a church sale and then this morning... high attendance Sunday and so we had a pancake and sausage breakfast at church. Homemade divinity dropped off from a friend and that's my favorite and a few pieces of chocolate over the weekend too and then tonight--bonfire and LOTS more food for SNAC. You'd think as much food as I will have eaten by the time I go back to work tomorrow, that I wouldn't need to eat again for a week! And need to, I don't, but I will. Food is awesome!!! LOL Seriously though--it's getting to be that time of year where there will be lots of parties, festivities, get togethers, and many occasions to share in food, fellowship and other goodies. I hope that we don't over do it...I hope that I don't over do it! It sure is easy to do.

I think part of this weekend's massive food fest is due to the end of 40 Day Revolution that we've been doing at church and it's a time for celebrating that and coming off of our fasts. I must say that while I gave up beef, chocolate and Google for my fast, I am mostly glad to get back Google. Chocolate 2nd and beef lastly. I think I have some sort of intolerance for beef now, actually. It doesn't set that well with me. I'll test my theory as we go, but I may be in the same boat with my friend, Judy, and have to say no to beef! We'll see. But hooray for chocolate and Google!

For all the youth and parents and leaders who participated in 40 Day Revolution...I'm proud of each of you. It was a great time to reflect on things going on in our schools and around us, praying thru those, praying for change, and fasting to draw nearer to God. I'm glad to have had this opportunity and I'm so proud of each of you who stuck it out with us.

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