Saturday, October 25, 2008

Where did the time go???

As the expression goes..."time flies when you are having fun" ... and I say "and sometimes even when your not!". Either way...whether these are fun times for you or not...can you believe it is almost November?? Only 6 days until Neewollah...(Halloween if you can't read backwards!). Our last 5th quarter of the season at church and the nearing of the end of the year. I just can't believe it. Lots of things have gone on this past year, some good, some not so good, but it is still really hard to believe the year is almost up and then we'll be writing 2009!

I must say,though, I'm REALLY ready for elections to be done. I early voted today, and I hope you have or will do the same. If not, then go on election day...exercise your right! Speak up, America!! I just get so frustrated with all of the political ads and signs -- mostly all of the negativity that goes along with election season. There is way too much mud slinging in every election, not just in the Presidential campaign. Can anyone take a stand for what the believe, their goals, their opinions, and just campaign on their strong points and not dance around, tossing mud and picking apart their oponent? It's ridiculous. It seems as though they spend way too much time slinging mud, and down playing their oponent that they end up not answering the question to defent their stand on things. I think "election season" as I like to refer to it gets worse about this every year.

I think that a lot of people will stick to being "Republican" or "Democrat" just b/c they have always been that way, b/c their family before them were that way. Do you ever think it might be better to not be such a stickler for the party, but more pay attention to the person and what they stand for? I do! I don't think you can just say "I'm Republican" or "I'm Democrat" anymore. I think we are way past that. I'm not a real political person, but I think it is time that we look at people and their values and opinions and their backgrounds and things that are important and not what party they are on! Again--my opinion and you get what you pay for! LOL

I do believe however, that it is our constitutional right to be able to vote and it is a privilege to live in this wonderful country and have this right, privilege and freedom, and I think that it is important for each and every American to register and exercise their right to vote! It's important! If there was an election for the favorite football or baseball team, you'd be sure to vote and that's just sports. This is important, so PLEASE, vote! If you don't vote you don't have the right to gripe when you don't like the outcome!

I believe you have until 10/31 to early vote and if you miss that...go on Election day, November 4!!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!


Anonymous said...

Hey Trac,

Love your comments about voting. Margarete and I voted last week for the same reasons---do our duty and avoid all the hype. The election is over for us. You're so right about the mudslinging. Just to hear the truth sometime would be great.

great blog.

Love you.


Anonymous said...

I have voted too. I don't want anyone to NOT vote. It is an important election year. We shall see in a week or so what the outcome is. I think it will be rough for a few months because so many people feel so strongly about the issues this year. I think it is a good thing for our society.... Have a Voice! :)